This space is dedicated to my right of freedom of speech and expression as set forth in the U.S. Constitution. I cannot and will not moderate my opinion nor hold back when criticizing ANY public figure, agency or entity.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Random Rant
Sheik Barack and his marxist fellow travelers are determined to nail the coffin shut on the United States before there is another (free) presidential election.
Sheik Barack will stop at nothing to complete the transition of this country into a muslim theocracy. At this time he has most of his handpicked people in place. (Can you say czar’s?)
All he needs to complete the deal is get any form of nationalized “healthcare” jammed down out throats.
The republicans, even if they wanted to, cannot keep this obamabortion from being passed. They must have help from their “friends” across the aisle.
The constitutionality of state run health care should not even be a question; it is patently outside the realm of responsibility of the federal government!
What difference does that make? We have an Indonesian pretender named Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim illegally occupying the seat of government of the United States! And, he has willing accomplices in the marxist-socialist democrat party aiding and abetting him in his coup of the United States.
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Don't Believe It
Prior to his running for president, Barack Pinochio Obama, whenever and wherever he spoke of health care he repeated the mantra that public option was his goal; even if it took 15 or 20 years. (The left knows no time limit)Then he does a 180 and says he doesn't necessarily support single payer.
Howard (Yee Haw) Dean said on MSNBC this morning that a plan without public option was, UNACCEPTABLE!!
Their thinking is to "get a plan through", any plan, it doesn't matter what it says. "We can always change it later." Naturally, the senate and the house bills will not be in agreement. Then, it will go to a resolution committee to combine the house and senate versions. THAT IS WHEN PUBLIC OPTION will again raise its ugly head. It will pass (check the numbers) and we will have nationalized health care WITH the PUBLIC OPTION.
Contact all your friends, especially those who live and vote in other areas and encourage them to enlist others to defeat this abomination !!
The left never surrenders nor is it satisfied. We must defeat whatever form of socialized "medicine" rears its ugly head.
We must be ever vigilant, there is never a time to rest.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Enlist and Recruit Friends to Join in the Battle for Our Country
If you want to stop the Obamascare death plan contact every person you know in every state. Ask them if they are represented in the House of Representatives by a "blue dog" democrat; if they are, request that they contact all their friends request that they contact their congressman/woman and encourage them to vote NO on this death bill (do not use that term when communicating with a "blue dog".)
Most "blue dogs" are allegedly conservative but remember, they are still democrats and are of the party of Obama. These people, the "blue dogs", will be subjected to almost unbearable pressure from the democrat leadership to support the president; they will be threatened, bribed, cajoled, blackmailed and approached in ways you and I can only imagine. You must assure them that they should demonstrate their independence and courage necessary to fight this battle that and that it is not always in the best interest of the country to go along with the party.
The "blue dogs" are the brain children of Nancy Pelosi and Rahm Emmanuel (a Chicago thug). Pelosi and Emmanuel went into conservative districts and talked "conservative" democrats into running against republican incumbents. (Albeit the republicans aided and abetted this campaign.) The result was that the democrats recaptured the house and the senate.
In the house, they have a large enough margin that Pelosi can release certain democrats to vote with their constituency rather than the party, Pelosi, Emmanuel, Reid and Obama. The democrats do not have that luxury in the senate although there are enough republican turncoats that allowing Reid to lose a few democrat votes in the senate and still win.
Once this train leaves the station it will be too late; there will be no stopping it nor turning it around. The government will have control over our lives. Talk to your children and grandchildren, get them involved. We, you and I are most fortunate in that our elected federal legislators (in northeast Texas and northwest Louisiana) are opposed to Obamascare, with the notable exception of Landrieu and she is considered to be a "blue dog" by the media.
Write letters to your newspapers, television stations use any means of mass communication at your disposal.
Organize a townhall meeting in your area, get local doctors, nurses and insurance people involved.
We do not have a lot of time, they go back to Washington right after labor day and I am sure they will attempt to rush a vote through very soon.
Please do what you can.
A Short History of the Democrat Party
Ever hear of “Boss” Tweed, Ku Klux Klan, the Chicago riots at a 1968 political convention and other notable personalities and events in our nations history? Like Joseph P Kennedy,Sr and the rum runners of the 1930 and his affair with Gloria Swanson? No wonder his son’s turned out to be such moral and upright citizens. Like JFK and his many illicit affairs, little drunk teddy and his driving and diving academy. Other notable democraps include Lyndon Baines Johnson, the man who would do anything to be president, and did, Wilbur Mills of Tidal Basin fame, Alcee Hastings of Florida who was impeached and removed from his federal judgeship, then his illiterate constituents, with assistance from SEIU and ACORN sent him to congress, Marion Berry, mayor of Washington D.C., convicted of bribery, “Da bitch set me up.” Elliott Spitzer, the whore mongering district attorney and former governor of New York. Former congressman William Jefferson (D.LA) just convicted on several counts of bribery. Robert Byrd, senator from West Virginia, now the longest sitting senator; former Grand Klegal of the Ku Klux Klan.
The list goes on; yes, the democraps do have such a proud political history.
Thuggery, bribery, blackmail, extortion and the list goes on.
Friday, July 31, 2009
How Did We Get Here?
You ask, "What is that fool talking about? The United States is and always has been a democracy."
The United States, at its founding, was a republic. I am sure you all have heard this story: Just after the completion and signing of the Constitution, in reply to a woman's inquiry as to the type of government the Founders had created, Benjamin Franklin said, "A Republic, madam, if you can keep it."
We managed to keep it for about 90 years, depending on how you count. Assaults on our republic began almost immediately after its creation. For the most part, most of them were defeated and our republic survived.
The assault began after the War Between the States (not civil war) with the addition of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments the enemies of our republic turned the tide and began undoing all the work our Founding Fathers and early patriots fought and worked so hard to win for, not themselves, US!!
And we began our trek down the road to democracy.
Until the "progressive" movement came on the scene in the closing years of the 19th Century, the way of life our founders envisioned for us was being built.
Teddy Roosevelt who became known as the "trust buster" was a leader of the progressive movement.
Then, along comes another progressive dream, the income tax.
For the first half of the 20th century the country was governed (ruled) by progressive-marxist-socialist. Just as we have now. Harding, Coolidge and Hoover are the exceptions.
And we traveled farther down the road to democracy.
What is our money really worth?
In the election of 1896, the Free Silver forces supported Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan; Republican candidate William McKinley ran on a platform that included backing paper money with gold. McKinley was supported by businessmen who believed the adoption of the gold standard would stave off inflation and help the country achieve economic prosperity—McKinley won the election. In 1900 he made good on his campaign promise, signing the Gold Standard Act into law.
Gold remained the standard of the U.S. monetary system until early in his presidency, on April 5, 1933, F.D.Roosevelt,democrat, signed Executive Order 6102, which ordered people to turn in their gold to the government at payment of $20.67 per ounce because the U.S. could no longer guarantee the value of the dollar in gold. The executive order enabled the Federal Reserve to expand the nation's money supply without regard to gold reserves.
We have left our republic in the dust and arrived at a democracy. Now to advance to socialism. Don't fear, it's just a short step.
We continued plodding down that road at a steady, but when compared to 2009, slow gait until August 15, 1971.
What happened on August 15, 1971 you ask. President Richard M. Nixon, republican, order his Secretary of the Treasury, John Connolly, democrat to remove all ties of the U.S. dollar to gold.
This was done allegedly to prevent "speculators" causing wild fluctuations in the value of the American Dollar. Which was probably true but misguided. By removing all value of the dollar to gold, Nixon and Connally provided cover for the damage Lyndon B. Johnson (democrat) did to the dollar by attempting to prosecute two wars (Vietnam and Poverty) simultaneously. He lost them both and with the assistance of Nixon, left us at the door of socialism.
Read what a Member of the House of Representatives has to say.
We are not quite there yet, but close.
By aiding and abetting each other a democratically elected democrat congress (elected in 2006) and a compassionate, conservative, democratically elected republican president led us to the brink of economic meltdown.
So, they decide to get together and help.
What does our democracy do next?
Why elect a full blown marxist-socialist-democrat, of course.
One last thing:
Our military training manuals used to contain the correct definitions of Democracy and Republic. The following comes from Training Manual No. 2000-25 published by the War Department, November 30, 1928.
* A government of the masses.
* Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression.
* Results in mobocracy.
* Attitude toward property is communistic--negating property rights.
* Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.
* Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
* Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them.
* Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences.
* A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass.
* Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy.
* Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress.
* Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world.
The manuals containing these definitions were ordered destroyed without explanation about the same time that President Franklin D. Roosevelt made private ownership of our lawful money (US Minted Gold Coins) illegal. Shortly after the people turned in their $20 gold coins, the price was increased from $20 per ounce to $35 per ounce. Almost overnight F.D.R., the most popular president this century (elected 4 times) looted almost half of this nation's wealth, while convincing the people that it was for their own good. Many of F.D.R.'s policies were suggested by his right hand man, Harry Hopkins, who said,
"Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect, because the people are too damn dumb to know the difference".
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Administration: The Game
I believe the source of this article to be the Shreveport Journal, the afternoon paper published in Shreveport with a democrat-labor slant. (At that time Shreveport supported two daily papers.) The Shreveport Journal and The Shreveport Times, published by the Ewing family, which was conservative and even in the democratic south, supported republican candidates, when they could be found. Now, The Shreveport Times is known only as The Times and is owned by Gannet Corp. (USA Today), any questions.
I also believe this column was written sometime between October 1962 and November 21, 1963 when Kennedy's popularity was at an all time low and before he became a martyr to the left.
Goldwater had begun preparing to take on Kennedy in the presidential election in 1964.
"The Rambler....Finds a New Game
by John McKelway
Someone recently slipped the Rambler a game that might be of some interest to members of the present administration.
Presumably, it was given as a Christmas gift and it may be a big hit in some areas of the city. In other areas, however, it is likely it may have been tossed out with the Christmas tree.
Like most games nowadays, it is a version of Monopoly. But it is not without its special twists. It is called " Administration."
The rules of the game, for example, start out with this explanation:
"Unlike other board games, nobody really wins at Administration. During the game each playere gets poorer as, little by little, all money and property pass into the hands of the Administration. Thus the game is much like real life.
The object is to remain "financially solvent" if possible and the winner is the player who is still able to pay of his debts at the end of the game.
As one plops around the board, after a throw of the dice, he is able to pick up certain pieces of property.
These include such holdings as "The Managed News Service", the "Re-run TV Network," the "Featherbedded Railroad", the "Lemon Auto Co.," the "Rusty Steel Co.," and the "Big Brother Power Co."
HOWEVER, THERE ARE other blocks to land on and some of these carry rather snide directions such as:
"Collect $2,000 for information on fellow taxpayer."
Or, "Election time; Administration exacts your contribution. Pay $3,000."
Or, "You are remanded to public psychiatric hearing for remark critical to the administration; lose one turn."
Or, "You get free Medicare but each other player pays tax of $1,500."
Apparently, the game can get quite complicated. Quoting again from the rules: "When a player lands on another player's privately owned property, rent shown on the deed is paid as follows:
1. The landing player pays rent to the property owner.
2. The property owner is taxed half of his rent by the Administration, except that unions are exempt from this tax.
3. If the property has a union, and if the union is owned, the property owner pays half of his remaining rent to the owner of the union."
Still another aspect of the games comes in the collection of cards the player must draw from time to time.
These are broken down into three groups, "Planning, Court Rulings and Favoritism."
The Planning cards include such directions as:
"Share the wealth. Give $5,000 to the player who has the least cash."
"Administration announces a new welfare program. You get something for nothing. A new tax. Pay $5,000".
"By extensive correspondence, you refute Administration claim that you owe $600 in back taxes. Pay $500 postage."
"Administrative planning staff hires malcontent leftist professors recently employed by the university. Pay $2,000 staff salaries."
"COURT RULINGS" cards include these notices:
"You win case but must pay $1,000 to Administration for court record."
"You lose case and are charged $3,000 for contempt of court.
"FAVORITISM" cards run like this:
"Rusty Steel Co. gets order from Communist for 190 million shovels. Administration subsidizes sale. If you own the company, collect $5,000 from the Administration."
"Administration gives you $9,000 for concocting an October crises for the next election."
"Collect $3,000 for not raising cotton."
"As a relative of the chief administrator, you get cheap oil lease from Administration, which you sell back at a profit. Collect $4,000."
According to the message on the box the game comes in, Administration is "simple enough for children" and "delightful for adults." And, Administration is the game "the entire nation is playing."
It is put out by "The Administration Co." of Shreveport, LA." "
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Progressivism and Mark Steyn
This was during the genesis of the "progressive era" in the United States.
Anyhow, as you can see the author of the article is bemoaning the fact that what we know as Western Europe is "lurching" to the right.
While I would not characterize it so much as a lurch, there were definite signs of a refreshing tilt to the right in recent elections in France, Italy and Germany. Gains were also made in the Netherlands where Geert Wilders, an anti-Islamist polled 17 percent of the vote.
Mr. Wilders was denied entry into England in February of this year. He had been invited by the House of Lords to present his movie Fitna.
Wilders has warned repeatedly of the western Europeans ceding their sovereignty to the Islamic infiltrators. Wilders was in the forefront of people who were willing to speak out on the dangers to western civilization raised by Islamofascist.
Now, back to my original topic: Mark Steyn:
For those of you who are not familiar with Mark Steyn
Mark Steyn has been at the forefront of warning the western world of the potential results if radical Islamofascism is allowed to progress unchallenged. Lights Out on Liberty and Live Free or Die !!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Moderation Rant
Barry Goldwater, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Now, from the dark side, Lyndon Johnson, "Extremism in the pursuit of the Presidency is an unpardonable vice. Moderation in the affairs of the nation is the highest virtue.""
Ever since the 1964 election, the "extremism" charge has been used extremely effectively by leftists and "moderates" against the right.
The term "extremism" has been primarily used to attack certain politicians -- Goldwater, Reagan, DeLay, Paul, Palin and even G.W. Bush -- and what they stand for. Such politicians are widely regarded -- validly or not -- as enemies of statism and defenders of capitalism.
America was founded by men who opposed the violation of individual rights -- men who opposed statism. If "moderation" in politics is the current ideal, then any uncompromising defender of the principles of man's inalienable rights -- the principles of freedom and capitalism -- could be labeled an "extremist."
Why is it used against proponents of smaller governments but not against proponents of bigger governments? Why Goldwater, Palin or Paul, but not Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid?
"Moderation" in politics implies inconsistent, middle-of-the-road and compromising, it promotes a lack of principles and integrity in politics.
You, who are "moderates" cherish the status quo. You are desperate to preserve the present political system -- a chaotic battleground of countless pressure groups fighting for more government favors and handouts at the expense of individual rights. The attacks on "extremism" serve to advance statism.
Conservatives should resolve to bury the "extremism" smear once and for all. They should do so by making a ringing declaration: a "moderate" defense of our form of government is an extreme vice -- a consistent and principled defense of our constitution and heritage is an extreme virtue.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
100 Day Miracle
In this short period of time, he has done more damage to the fabric of our nation than his 43 predecessors combined. He, along with his minions in congress and elsewhere, is chipping away at the foundation of laws upon which this country was built.
He has appointed, to high office, the most unqualified group of malcontents ever assembled.
Not only has he appointed them, but they have rubber stamped his appointments. The senate approved tax cheat Timothy Geithner's appointment to be Secretary of the Treasury. Hilda Solis, a union activist, to be Secretary of Labor. Janet Napolitano, Secretary Department of Homeland Security. Eric Holder, Attorney General, whose greatest quote was to refer to the United States as "a nation of cowards" in reference to race relations. Robert Gates, a republican ?, hold over as Secretary of Defense. Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, Secretary of Energy. Dr. Chu cannot explain how vast petroleum reserves appeared under Alaska except to say it was shifting Teutonic Plates.
These are only examples of the dangers the United States and our way of life is facing at the hands of the Obama Administration.
And, it has only been 100 days
Friday, April 10, 2009
Congressional Tyranny
The "rant" that may have been the genesis of it all tea partys
According to my recollection, Santelli first made mention of a protest during this "rant". Then, the first tea partys, to my knowledge were held in a number of cities the last weekend in February.
I offer the following as proof that the sob's in the mainstream media just do not get it. It is none of Matthews damn business who Santelli voted for!
Anyone who is an enemy of my enemy, is my friend.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
"Only the Little People Pay Taxes"
Why people continue to elect and reelect these s.o.b.'s is beyond my comprehension. And why is the MSM giving them a pass?
democrat equals corruption and vice versa.
Incidentally, the pretender (Obama) said over and over during his campaign for the idiot vote, that only the "rich" would see an increase in their taxes. He got the vote he needed from the idiots, now we are all screwed. Hmmmm, does that mean that all nicotine addicts are "rich"? And how will the pretender president(?) avoid paying taxes on his smokes?
Obviously the queen of mean,(no, not Barney Frank) Leona Helmsley had it right.
So many questions, so few answers. :-)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Natasha and Socialized Medicine
As tragic as this death may be, it is my hope that it will serve as a warning to my fellow Americans of the shortcomings of universal healthcare, which is about tightfisted as the government clerks rationing care.
"Think about the folks at the Department of Motor Vehicles making your healthcare decisions for you while you wait in line.
Under government healthcare, faceless bureaucrats do not care if you live or die, as long as everyone receives equal treatment.
Natasha Richardson received the same kind of treatment anyone in Quebec would have received, and now she’s dead at the age of 45 because Quebec didn’t have something as basic as a medical helicopter system."
Will we be able to count on the mainstream media to investigate such possible inadequacies in the Canadian health care system? Wouldn't such debate be apropos given the Obama administration's commitment to implementing Universal Health Care, a system remarkably similar to Canada's?
The Disingenousness of the Mainstream Media
How about that dumbass algore when he visited Montecello and asked, "who are the guys in the wigs?"
Or another when dumbass, Obama, during the campaign said he had only visited 57 states and had a couple more to go. The dumbasses in the media didn't hear that, either.
If this were a Republican administration there would be cries for impeachment. This group, in spite of all the graduates of the elite, Ivy League schools, is, without a doubt the most unqualified to ever attempt to govern this country. This administration makes the Klinton Klowns look like a bunch of freaking geniuses.
The press had a field day raking Dan Quayle over the coals when he spelled potatoe which, although archaic, is accepted as an alternative spelling of potato.
Obama on 60 Minutes March 22 attempts to make jokes about his economy; at least Kroft called him on the attempt. The job is infinitely too big for the "rock star". President?
This marxist-communist-democrat bastard is a total embarrassment and danger to our country and our constitution.
He is really frightening.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Texas Democrats Endorse Voter Fraud
This time it is not about redistricting. This time it is about voter fraud. It is about enabling unqualified aliens to vote in Texas elections. The Democrats are thereby denying Texas citizens their expectation of and their right to, fair and honest elections.
Texas Democrats Endorse Voter Fraud
One of the primary opponents of the Voter ID bill, Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, is also sponsoring legislation to ad more taxes on the things you buy most. Despite the rhetoric the end result of such a bill would be an increase in prices at the grocery store and other retailers that you, the customer and voter buy the products you and your family need and use most.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
McCain agrees with Bill

Sen. John McCain said that GM should declare bankruptcy.
Finally, John McCain, republican standard bearer for the presidency in the 2008 election, has agreed with yours truly.
Appearing on the Fox News Networks on March 8, said General Motors, the nation's largest automaker, should stop receiving bailout money and declare bankruptcy.
Fox News reported McCain said on the program, "I think the best thing that could probably happen to General Motors, in my view, is they go into Chapter 11. They reorganize, they renegotiate ... the union-management contracts and come out of it a stronger, better, leaner more competitive automotive industry."
Fox News also reported that Obama's auto advisory committee will travel to Detroit Monday to meet with bigwigs from GM and Chrysler, which has received $4 billion in bailout money. The two companies have until the end of the month to show that they can reduce debt and could use the potential federal funding to yank themselves out of financial ruin.
General Motors has received $13 billion in taxpayer funding so far, and GM officials have said they'll need another $30 billion to fully save the company. The automaker lost $31 billion in 2008 and continues to plummet -- its stock lost a dismal 32 percent of its worth last Friday alone.
This observers position has alway been to cut'em loose. In a free market you have winners and you have losers.
GM, thanks to the UAW, via obscene contracts and work rules and to the U.S. Congress, via obscene pollution, CAFE standards and other ridiculous mandates is one of the biggest losers.
It is time to get GM off the government teat and let the autoworkers discover what is it like out here in the hinterlands where a GOOD JOB might pay 15$/hour.
Let'em see how the other half lives.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kennedy and Limbaugh
That is only one of the manly attributes Edward M. "little teddy" Kennedy was lacking on the fateful night of July 18, 1969. Had little teddy's surname been anything but Kennedy, he would have been jailed for leaving the scene of an accident/homicide. The punishment would have been more than a "go and sin no more", not even slap on the wrist from the constabulary of Hyannis Port, MA. After all, this is the man who would be King.
I will not mourn the loss of the remnant of the rum running Kennedy family which continues to pollute this planet with the family bilge.
As far as I am concerned, the sooner Edward M. "little teddy" Kennedy draws his last breath, the sooner we can all draw a sigh of relief.
The "lie 'n'" of the senate is more a coward, adulterer, and a drunk than a person to be honored. He is certainly not a creature to be idolized or admired.
This is only speculation for I am mad, as any fool can see.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Robert Gibbs
Since taking office Gibbs has succeeded in attacking Rush Limbaugh, no surprise there, Rick Santelli of CNBC and Jim Cramer of CNBC. The latter is akin to a dog biting the hand that feed him.
This has been the most all out assault on the people of the press since Jimmy Carter.
This is the most marxist-socialist administration since "Landslide" Lyndon Baines Johnson. Who, by the way is the political god-son of Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Landslide" has the distinction of being the only president, at this point in time, to lose two wars simultaneously, Vietnam and Poverty. Obama is trying to outdo "Landslide" by losing the war on terror and destroy our economy and capitalist economic system
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bend Over and Grab Your Ankles
This time the liberal darling of San Antonio is sponsoring a bill, now moving through the legislature, that sounds more like New York, Massachusetts and California than Texas. It is a bill designed only to make the "greenies" feel good about themselves and to gather revenue for the state through monetary penalties (fines) rather than by direct taxation. The fines can be upto $25,000.
Remember, businesses do not pay fines and/or taxes, YOU DO.
This "do gooder" bill has many unintended consequences. The enterprises most likely to be affected by this ill-conceived legislation are grocery stores and mass merchandisers, Wal-Mart, Target, and the like. In short the places you spend the bulk your disposable income.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bamster v. Dow-Jones
Dow now at 7059.11, 122.10 down for session
On the basis of the stock markets performance during the first 31 days under the rule of the Bamster this could be a rough four years.
The market has reacted by tanking more than 400 points.
Perhaps this is a demonstration of the only tax evader smart enough to understand
Basically, Geithner was more guilty of a criminal act than the other tax evader, he should have known better.
But I digress. Someone who believes in a free market economy should tell the Bamster to get the hell out of the way and let the market place work. Had he done that 31 days ago we would be coming out of this downturn.
The longer he tries marxist-socialist-democrat snake oil remedies, the longer it is going to take to dig ourselves out.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Great Imposter or Catch Me if You Can
For readers who cannot recall, with clarity, the 1960's there was another film base on what is basically the same plot called Catch Me if You Can.
In The Great Imposter financial reward was not a motive. The fellow did it just to prove it could be done. Whereas, in Catch Me if You Can the protagonist motive and reward was monetary. (And to prove he could do it.)
The reason I am providing this background is, at this time we have one the greatest imposters, if not the greatest imposter in the history of our country residing in the White House.
It appears that his experience of being a "community organizer" did little to qualify the bamster to even be a let's pretend president.
This just in: "Puff" Daschel has withdrawn his name for HHS.
I am sincerely happy to see the bamster faced with all these staffing problems. If his name were Richard Nixon, he would already be gone. It is satisfying to see the dems feed on their own.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, hangs out with other ducks.......
The bamster in no way has the credentials to be president. And the MSM said Sarah Palin was unqualified.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Most Transparent and Ethical Administration, EVER
Now he is "sorry". Yeah, sorry he got caught. What an arrogant SOB but, he is so damn smart.
Ron Paul gets it.
Then, a former United States Senator, who is the bamster's designate to oversee health and social programs for the indigent, has been found to have tax and other issues which should disqualify him for government service. Tom Daschle is the honest and open guy the bamster has chosen to introduce nationalized "health" care.
I remember during the campaign people were saying, "He's won't be so bad". They were right, he will be worse.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Brainwashing of School Children
The Fulford File, By James Fulford
When Records Are Sealed—A Meditation On Martin Luther King Day
"Every school boy knows who imprisoned Montezuma and who strangled Atahualpa " wrote Lord Macauley 168 years ago.
Well, they don't anymore, if they ever did, (it was Cortez and Pizzaro respectively) but, boy, do they know a lot about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Of course, there are many things about him that they don't know. The NEA has a massive set of Curriculum Resources on Dr. King here —see if you can find the words plagiarism or Communism in there, let alone adultery.
It's not only what they don't know, it's the things they know that aren't so—when I read this, ten years ago, I could kind of tell that the author decided he didn't care if he went to cocktail parties with liberals:
"To take just one example, I gnash my teeth when conservatives argue that 'affirmative action' violates 'the spirit of Dr. King'—'color-blind justice,' and all that. Nonsense. If King were alive today, he'd certain support state-imposed racial preferences. He was a Marxist, always moving leftward. Liberals are right to claim him as their own; conservatives who appeal to his 'spirit' only make fools of themselves."[Media and Mythology, By Joe Sobran, SOBRAN'S, November–December 1998]
This is true. A new article by Benjamin J. Ryan in American Renaissance points out that Dr. King was calling for hard quotas:
"King has been praised, even by conservatives, as the great advocate of color-blindness. They focus too narrowly on one sentence in his 'I Have a Dream' speech, in which he said he wanted to live in a nation 'where [my children] will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.' The truth is that King wanted quotas for blacks. '[I]f a city has a 30 percent Negro population,' King reasoned, 'then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30 percent of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.'" [The Unknown Martin Luther King, Jr., January 2008]
At VDARE.COM, they have featured a lot of coverage of undercovered issues in the Martin Luther King saga. For example, they have featured Jesse Helms's speech on the proposed MLK Day in 1983, which was read on the Senate Floor. ["Remarks of Senator Jesse Helms." Congressional Quarterly 129, no. 130 (October 3, 1983): S13452-S13461.]
Part of that speech was based on research by the late Sam Francis, who reported that his research was not only read on the Senate floor, it was thrown on the Senate floor and stomped on bySenator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who characterized it as "a packet of filth."[The King Holiday and Its Meaning |The origins of our national celebration of multiracialism and political correctness]
Much of the hatred for anyone who criticizes Dr. King comes from the fact that some of the criticism concentrates on his sex life, which resembled Bill Clinton's. People seem to feel that an investigation that uncovers that kind of detail must be evil. And there may be something in that.
Of course, the only reason Barack Obama got elected Senator was because, as Ann Coulter points out in her new book, Guilty "his media and campaign surrogates ripped open the court-sealed divorce records of his two principal opponents in his Senate race in Illinois."
First there was Blair Hull, who was Obama's Democratic primary opponent, and then there was Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan were attacked by Democrats in the mainstream media who managed to get a judge to release the sealed records of their divorces. The records of Ryan's divorce from Jeri Ryan, (Star Trek's Seven of Nine) contained accusations of sexual impropriety against Ryan. I won't detail them, but they lack credibility, and as Ms. Coulter says "there's a reason you never hear the expression 'As true as claims made by an ex-spouse in divorce papers.'"
But my point is that Obama became a Senator because of the same kind of investigation that J. Edgar Hoover conducted on Martin Luther King—the difference being that the Democrats in the media (possibly with the help of David Axelrod) went public with the details, unlike Hoover .
Oh, and unlike Hoover , they didn't have a lot of embarrassing facts on tape—just a lot of accusations. But it was enough to get Obama in the Senate.
And from there to the Presidency was just a short step—one that a freshman white Senator with his record couldn't possibly have made.
And so, when you hear that Obama's Presidency represents the triumph of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., you now have a different perspective on what that means.
If you're one of the 29 percent of Americans who gets off work on MLK Day, enjoy it! In the words of Chris Rock, "You gotta be pretty racist to not want a day off from work."
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Deed Is Done !!
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Hysterical Day in Our Late, Great Republic
Today, January 20, is HIS coronation day. All the "intelligent" folks are saying how we should all hope "this" president succeeds.
Why ? Why do they want this president, in particular, to succeed? I, generally, want all our leaders to succeed. However, this is the first time we have had a marxist-socialist recite the oath of office:
execute the office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States."
"...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
I believe is the most important phrase in the oath. If Obama is going to govern according to the Constitution, I wish him well. If not..., I hope he fails!
If he is going to attempt to govern according to the programs and promises he enumerated on the campaign trail, I hope he fails.
Remember, this clown is going to be representing our country to the world!!
Nothing good has come out of Chicago.