Constitution and civil liberties be damned !!
Sheik Barack and his marxist fellow travelers are determined to nail the coffin shut on the United States before there is another (free) presidential election.
Sheik Barack will stop at nothing to complete the transition of this country into a muslim theocracy. At this time he has most of his handpicked people in place. (Can you say czar’s?)
All he needs to complete the deal is get any form of nationalized “healthcare” jammed down out throats.
The republicans, even if they wanted to, cannot keep this obamabortion from being passed. They must have help from their “friends” across the aisle.
The constitutionality of state run health care should not even be a question; it is patently outside the realm of responsibility of the federal government!
What difference does that make? We have an Indonesian pretender named Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia and a muslim illegally occupying the seat of government of the United States! And, he has willing accomplices in the marxist-socialist democrat party aiding and abetting him in his coup of the United States.
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis!