Ronald Reagan, "A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell its numbers."
Barry Goldwater, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Now, from the dark side, Lyndon Johnson, "Extremism in the pursuit of the Presidency is an unpardonable vice. Moderation in the affairs of the nation is the highest virtue.""
Ever since the 1964 election, the "extremism" charge has been used extremely effectively by leftists and "moderates" against the right.
The term "extremism" has been primarily used to attack certain politicians -- Goldwater, Reagan, DeLay, Paul, Palin and even G.W. Bush -- and what they stand for. Such politicians are widely regarded -- validly or not -- as enemies of statism and defenders of capitalism.
America was founded by men who opposed the violation of individual rights -- men who opposed statism. If "moderation" in politics is the current ideal, then any uncompromising defender of the principles of man's inalienable rights -- the principles of freedom and capitalism -- could be labeled an "extremist."
Why is it used against proponents of smaller governments but not against proponents of bigger governments? Why Goldwater, Palin or Paul, but not Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid?
"Moderation" in politics implies inconsistent, middle-of-the-road and compromising, it promotes a lack of principles and integrity in politics.
You, who are "moderates" cherish the status quo. You are desperate to preserve the present political system -- a chaotic battleground of countless pressure groups fighting for more government favors and handouts at the expense of individual rights. The attacks on "extremism" serve to advance statism.
Conservatives should resolve to bury the "extremism" smear once and for all. They should do so by making a ringing declaration: a "moderate" defense of our form of government is an extreme vice -- a consistent and principled defense of our constitution and heritage is an extreme virtue.