Friday, April 10, 2009

Congressional Tyranny

There is considerable misunderstanding concerning the "tea partys" which are going to be held in many cities and towns across the country April 15, 2009.
The "rant" that may have been the genesis of it all tea partys
According to my recollection, Santelli first made mention of a protest during this "rant". Then, the first tea partys, to my knowledge were held in a number of cities the last weekend in February.
I offer the following as proof that the sob's in the mainstream media just do not get it. It is none of Matthews damn business who Santelli voted for!

Anyone who is an enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

1 comment:

  1. Bill the explanation is simple, to many stupid uneducated people vote, to many people who's logic is well, Bush did it, so obama should be able, These same people blame Big business for all the issues Government is behind, and they sit on their collective asses and blame any and everyone but themselves, and the party they voted for, when grilled about values they coincide with Republicans, yet because of Abortion or some other rediculous Position, ....they turn and vote the Republicans OUT, and the Tax and Spend Democrats in, simply because they are STUPID, the Blacks in this nation have NO idea what the Liberal Democrats are ndoing to them, to get the Votes, the Illegal Mexicans are hurting Blacks and their ability to get a decent job, it's the Blacks who are taking the brunt of the Illegal Mexicans , they arent here taking White collar jobs, they are taking construction and similar blue collar you think Blacks realize this ? they dont
