Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Natasha and Socialized Medicine

I will be the first to admit that the death of Natasha Richardson after a skiing accident in Canada was, indeed, tragic.
As tragic as this death may be, it is my hope that it will serve as a warning to my fellow Americans of the shortcomings of universal healthcare, which is about tightfisted as the government clerks rationing care.

"Think about the folks at the Department of Motor Vehicles making your healthcare decisions for you while you wait in line.

Under government healthcare, faceless bureaucrats do not care if you live or die, as long as everyone receives equal treatment.

Natasha Richardson received the same kind of treatment anyone in Quebec would have received, and now she’s dead at the age of 45 because Quebec didn’t have something as basic as a medical helicopter system."

Will we be able to count on the mainstream media to investigate such possible inadequacies in the Canadian health care system? Wouldn't such debate be apropos given the Obama administration's commitment to implementing Universal Health Care, a system remarkably similar to Canada's?

The Disingenousness of the Mainstream Media

The mainstream media critters are giving President Barack Hussein Obama a pass on his gaff on the Jay Leno show 3/19/2008 when he compared his bowling score to the participants in the Special Olympics. (Haw, Haw, Haw!)

How about that dumbass algore when he visited Montecello and asked, "who are the guys in the wigs?"

Or another when dumbass, Obama, during the campaign said he had only visited 57 states and had a couple more to go. The dumbasses in the media didn't hear that, either.

If this were a Republican administration there would be cries for impeachment. This group, in spite of all the graduates of the elite, Ivy League schools, is, without a doubt the most unqualified to ever attempt to govern this country. This administration makes the Klinton Klowns look like a bunch of freaking geniuses.
The press had a field day raking Dan Quayle over the coals when he spelled potatoe which, although archaic, is accepted as an alternative spelling of potato.
Obama on 60 Minutes March 22 attempts to make jokes about his economy; at least Kroft called him on the attempt. The job is infinitely too big for the "rock star". President?
This marxist-communist-democrat bastard is a total embarrassment and danger to our country and our constitution.
He is really frightening.