Even without a "public option" the camel will be in the tent and there will be no getting it out. Ever again!!!! When Barack Pinochio Obama says he is willing to remove the public option from his master plan. He is lying, again.
Prior to his running for president, Barack Pinochio Obama, whenever and wherever he spoke of health care he repeated the mantra that public option was his goal; even if it took 15 or 20 years. (The left knows no time limit)Then he does a 180 and says he doesn't necessarily support single payer.
Howard (Yee Haw) Dean said on MSNBC this morning that a plan without public option was, UNACCEPTABLE!!
Their thinking is to "get a plan through", any plan, it doesn't matter what it says. "We can always change it later." Naturally, the senate and the house bills will not be in agreement. Then, it will go to a resolution committee to combine the house and senate versions. THAT IS WHEN PUBLIC OPTION will again raise its ugly head. It will pass (check the numbers) and we will have nationalized health care WITH the PUBLIC OPTION.
Contact all your friends, especially those who live and vote in other areas and encourage them to enlist others to defeat this abomination !!
The left never surrenders nor is it satisfied. We must defeat whatever form of socialized "medicine" rears its ugly head.
We must be ever vigilant, there is never a time to rest.