Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Robert Gibbs

Whew, who will Obama's press secretary attack today?
Since taking office Gibbs has succeeded in attacking Rush Limbaugh, no surprise there, Rick Santelli of CNBC and Jim Cramer of CNBC. The latter is akin to a dog biting the hand that feed him.
This has been the most all out assault on the people of the press since Jimmy Carter.
This is the most marxist-socialist administration since "Landslide" Lyndon Baines Johnson. Who, by the way is the political god-son of Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Landslide" has the distinction of being the only president, at this point in time, to lose two wars simultaneously, Vietnam and Poverty. Obama is trying to outdo "Landslide" by losing the war on terror and destroy our economy and capitalist economic system

1 comment:

  1. the few things the Liberals have to offer is demmaggery, pick an adversary and continue to slam them till you gain support, the truble with slaming Rush is....he has a Microphone too...unlike Joe the Plumber, or a few others, Rush on a Bad day can chew these people up and spit them out, because all they have to offer is doom, gloom, and hatered
