Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Only the Little People Pay Taxes"

What is it about democrats that believe, like Leona Helmsley, that only the "little people" pay taxes?
Why people continue to elect and reelect these s.o.b.'s is beyond my comprehension. And why is the MSM giving them a pass?
democrat equals corruption and vice versa.
Incidentally, the pretender (Obama) said over and over during his campaign for the idiot vote, that only the "rich" would see an increase in their taxes. He got the vote he needed from the idiots, now we are all screwed. Hmmmm, does that mean that all nicotine addicts are "rich"? And how will the pretender president(?) avoid paying taxes on his smokes?
Obviously the queen of mean,(no, not Barney Frank) Leona Helmsley had it right.
So many questions, so few answers. :-)