It is truly amazing how the dimocraps accuse the RIGHT of employing the same tactics they employ.
Ever hear of “Boss” Tweed, Ku Klux Klan, the Chicago riots at a 1968 political convention and other notable personalities and events in our nations history? Like Joseph P Kennedy,Sr and the rum runners of the 1930 and his affair with Gloria Swanson? No wonder his son’s turned out to be such moral and upright citizens. Like JFK and his many illicit affairs, little drunk teddy and his driving and diving academy. Other notable democraps include Lyndon Baines Johnson, the man who would do anything to be president, and did, Wilbur Mills of Tidal Basin fame, Alcee Hastings of Florida who was impeached and removed from his federal judgeship, then his illiterate constituents, with assistance from SEIU and ACORN sent him to congress, Marion Berry, mayor of Washington D.C., convicted of bribery, “Da bitch set me up.” Elliott Spitzer, the whore mongering district attorney and former governor of New York. Former congressman William Jefferson (D.LA) just convicted on several counts of bribery. Robert Byrd, senator from West Virginia, now the longest sitting senator; former Grand Klegal of the Ku Klux Klan.
The list goes on; yes, the democraps do have such a proud political history.
Thuggery, bribery, blackmail, extortion and the list goes on.
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