Our old buddette, San Antonio's Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, the Democratic caucus leader, is at it again.
This time the liberal darling of San Antonio is sponsoring a bill, now moving through the legislature, that sounds more like New York, Massachusetts and California than Texas. It is a bill designed only to make the "greenies" feel good about themselves and to gather revenue for the state through monetary penalties (fines) rather than by direct taxation. The fines can be upto $25,000.
Remember, businesses do not pay fines and/or taxes, YOU DO.
This "do gooder" bill has many unintended consequences. The enterprises most likely to be affected by this ill-conceived legislation are grocery stores and mass merchandisers, Wal-Mart, Target, and the like. In short the places you spend the bulk your disposable income.
The Democrats are pushing Legislation all over the US on obscure stuff like idling your 18 wheeler , with fines up to $25,000.00 and signifigant Jail time....and are even hassling Drivers with APU's (Auxiliary Power Units" designed to operate Heating and cooling for the Trucks while parked,
next they will be coming after our Generator sets. Lawn mowers weed eaters and anything else they can find a way to TAX, when are Americans going to Wake up ?, if they come after one group are you Stupid enough to think thwey wont find ways to come after others ?
when are we going to actually Pay attention to what these Criminals are doing to us, and the consequences of all the Agends ?