We are witnessing a miracle of sorts. In the span of 100 days our leader, Barack Hussein Obama, has led this country from light into darkness.
In this short period of time, he has done more damage to the fabric of our nation than his 43 predecessors combined. He, along with his minions in congress and elsewhere, is chipping away at the foundation of laws upon which this country was built.
He has appointed, to high office, the most unqualified group of malcontents ever assembled.
Not only has he appointed them, but they have rubber stamped his appointments. The senate approved tax cheat Timothy Geithner's appointment to be Secretary of the Treasury. Hilda Solis, a union activist, to be Secretary of Labor. Janet Napolitano, Secretary Department of Homeland Security. Eric Holder, Attorney General, whose greatest quote was to refer to the United States as "a nation of cowards" in reference to race relations. Robert Gates, a republican ?, hold over as Secretary of Defense. Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, Secretary of Energy. Dr. Chu cannot explain how vast petroleum reserves appeared under Alaska except to say it was shifting Teutonic Plates.
These are only examples of the dangers the United States and our way of life is facing at the hands of the Obama Administration.
And, it has only been 100 days