Friday, November 7, 2008


It seems as if the old line, "mainstream", northeast establishment, country club republicans do not have "stones" enough to admit their culpability for their part in handing the reins of our government over to a person with terrorist ties. So, they compensate for their lack of "nads" by jumping on the girl.
This situation has left me with no other choice but to go rogue.
Truth be known, I started going rogue when I cast my vote in the November 4th election. (I voted early.)
I voted for Chuck Baldwin for president, although I had to write him in. Being in Texas, my vote had no impact on the outcome of the election debacle.
I voted for the Libertarian candidate for senator. Cornyn lost me when he voted for the bail out disaster. His staff reassured me that he would oppose the measure.
Kay Bailey Hutchison lost any future vote she may have received from me for the same reason.
Only Congressman Hall was honorable to keep his promise to his constituents. And I did vote for him. Sadly, he is not 40 years younger.
I would not vote for Rick Perry for P.L.O*., he is one of those opportunistic democrat changeovers from the Reagan-Bush I era.

PALIN in 2012


FREEDOM DAY—01/21/2013

* Permanent Latrine Orderly

1 comment:

  1. If Palin runs for President in 2012, at least she has name recognition going for her... but, at this point, that may not work in her favor
