Friday, November 28, 2008

Let the Madness Begin

Thanksgiving is done. All the turkeys, including moi, or turduckens are stuffed, now it is time to get on to the business at hand:
The annual pilgrimage to the malls, shopping centers, "big box" stores, internet, or wherever you go to purchase things to show your family and friends just how much you LUV them.
Me? I am going to do my bartering via the internet.
Due to my recent descent regression decline into senility, I have developed an acute case of agoraphobia. I consider a day successful when I am not forced to journey outside my cave.
Another plus is I do not have to deal with these "mall dolls" (this term is not gender specific; it applies equally to any of the three genders, male, female or undetermined) who are pushy, rude and generally unbearable. Primarily the result of undeserved self-esteem most of them bring to the marketplace. Thanks to their parents (bffs) and teachers who have been whispering in their ears that they were smart and pretty and should never have to work or think. As a result their combined IQ's are less than a brick.
Well, I'd better get to it. But first I must go out and buy some Christmas spirits to put me in the mood.
I am not going to put myself on a budget this year. Just spend, spend, spend. (Better make that CHARGE, CHARGE, CHARGE!! Surely Barry and my neighbors will bail out my credit card company. My home is paid for and my credit card liability shouldn't be over $100,000, unless I really splurge. )
Really gotta go now. Only 25 days to go. Rush, Rush, Rush. Before I go, let me wish you and yours:
A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Remember the reason for the celebration.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I wouldn't go to the mall today under any circumstances. Come to think of it, I don't go to the mall at anytime, under any circumstances. I hate Walmart, I hate Target, I don't even like 'super' sized grocery stores.
    It's not senility, it's just common sense old age.
