Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Bailout ??

Good Grief!!! Even after blowing over a trillion dollars, ( that is a 1 followed by twelve zeros) 1,000,000,000,000 the government still is not through throwing our money at the problem.
Now they are talking about bailing out Chrysler and GM. I say to hell with'em. They should have taken care of their money when they were making it.
At one time, GM was the largest industrial company in the world. In 1970, GM was in the enviable position of being able to break the UAW. If they had not made a contract with the UAW when they did, the union would have been bankrupt within seven days.
Now, the union has succeeded in bankrupting GM. And guess what? You and I are going to throw out the life buoy ( $$$ 's) one more time.If they can't compete in the "global economy", tough!!
If the "poor" under worked, overpaid union people cannot find jobs that will recompense them over $100 per hour (including benefits), I say "welcome to the real world." They were over paid for much too long.
It is past time to do away with the "artificially high" minimum wage and require people to start earning what the job is worth.
(Hmmm, what a novel concept?)
Make the labor market more competitive. If you are good at your job and a good worker you are being held back by minimum wage laws and union rules.


  1. Where do you apply to get bailed out? I'm afraid that the price of groceries is going to put me in a negative cash flow situation. I just bought Halloween candy and Christmas is coming up. With 6 grandchildren, that could cause a real cash crunch.
    I think I need some gummint money . . .

  2. We started this slippery slope long ago, when we began bidding wars and Tax breaks for Big business, most of whom have the money like "Hilti" manufactures of Construction Fastening equipment made a deal with the City of Tulsa for a lucrative ten year Tax free Deal.... and after the Ten years expired..........Moved to mexico....all to often this happens....Take Zebco, Zebco asked Tulsa for a break....then They moved assembly Operations to China,.......

    why dont we just LOWER Taxes for EVERYONE, and people and companies wont be leaving one area for another ?......I can tell you, the democrats HATE giving Money to people who deserve it, it takes them out of the loop, and they dont have barganing power using OUR money to buy votes......thats why.
